Not long ago I wrote of the NYS Assembly incumbent in the 133rd using a second amendment solution to avoid facing arrest on federal charges. Bill Nojay Suicide
Today the hand picked replacement for Nojay related to a public radio audience how President Obama is encouraging black people to kill white people.
Dawson: "Joe, do you think nonwhite Americans are treated differently?"
Errigo: “No. No. I think they take that attitude because it’s given them. You know, I mean when you hear the president’s minister say instead of ‘God bless America, God damn America, let them feel the pain,’ now you’re bringing this back to slavery. And I was not part of that. My parents weren’t part of it. You know, we lost a lot of people over that fight. But I think the president has done a disservice. And you know I don’t condone, and I hear the way he talks sometimes that just — they’re telling the black people, get out there, kill them. Kill the whites. So he’s to blame."
This article at the Democrat and Chronicle newspaper of Rochester, NY gives more detail and contains a link to the entire radio interview with Evan Dawson on WXXI. D & C, Rochester, NY
Errigo is known for his unfortunate republican policy positions, including climate science denial, confusion with regard to Jeremiah Wright and President Obama’s relationship and his desire to repeal the NYS Safe Act. He was selected to run by the Republican party chairs because Nojay’s death was less than 10 days before the primary. The chairs encouraged registered republicans to vote for Nojay so they would be able to appoint a candidate. Nojay “won” the primary and three men in a room chose 78 year old Joseph Errigo to be the party’s nominee.
The Democratic chairs of the three counties represented in the district issued the following statement:
Democratic County Chairs React to GOP Assembly Candidate Joe Errigo’s Outrageous Comments
The following is a joint statement from the Democratic Chairs in the 133rd NYS Assembly District
“Joe Errigo’s comments on the WXXI radio show ‘Connections’ today suggesting that President Obama is telling African-Americans to go out and 'kill the whites' are deplorable, and we demand that he apologize to the community for them. For a candidate who is seeking to represent our district, these remarks are unacceptable. At a time where we should be trying to bring our community together, comments of Republican candidates like Joe Errigo and Donald Trump aim only to drive us apart.
Joe Errigo may not like Donald Trump (he told the Livingston County News that he thinks he's a 'sleazebag' but that he supports him for president), yet Errigo seems to have the same divisive approach and tenuous connection to the truth as his party's presidential nominee.
On Election Day, voters will have a choice on two distinct view of the world: one where we all fear and hate one another, or one where we work to be stronger together."
Jamie Romeo, Monroe County Democratic Chairwoman
Judith Hunter, Livingston Democratic County Chair
Shawn Hogan, Steuben Democratic County Chair
Barbara Baer was also present during the taping and is Mr. Errigo’s opponant for the 133rd District Assembly seat. Her response to his remarks was unequivical,
Dawson: "Barbara do you think nonwhite people are treated differently?"
Baer: "Absolutely. Yes I do. And I think, I would disagree with all that Joe has said. I think this president has been extraordinary in trying to reach out to everybody. His choice of words, the way he has lived his life, the way the family has lived their life, is really, whatever color, it’s a model that should be used by whomever wins the White House on both sides."
Barbara Baer is running to make this a blue seat for the good of all the people in the 133rd. Please share with your friends in the Rochester NY area, and if you would like to show Barbara some love to help defeat this tRump-kisser, you can go to her donation link here. Barbara's website and donation link